Table 1

The RE-AIM domains with corresponding measures and benchmarks

DomainDefinitionFeasibility measures usedBenchmarks
ReachThe extent to which the target population for the intervention was reachedThe percentage of patients with CMP and LTOT offered participation who choose to enrol.>75%
Percentage of patients screened who are eligible.% of patients screened that are eligible
The percentage of PTs who have a patient enrolled on their schedule.>90%
EfectivenessThe impact of the interventions on important outcomesAdherence by patients will be measured by the number of the recommended visits attended.>80% will attend 75% of recommended visits
Adherence by the patients to the protocol will be measured by the number minutes spent practising mindfulness, reappraisal or savouring each day.>80% will report practising 15 min per day
The percentage of all patient-reported outcomes collection using REDCap.>80%
Percentage of Timeline Followback collected.>80%
AdoptionThe representativeness of the intervention providers and practice settingsQualitative interviews of PT and patient participants will be used to understand potential barriers and facilitators to adoption of I-EPT.--
Percentage of patients enrolled that report receiving any MORE component.>80%
Percentage of PTs presented the study who choose to enrol in the study --
Percentage of PTs who attend the competency assessment --
Percentage of patients managed by study PTs who are retained at baseline, 6-week and 12-week follow-up.>95% will provide baseline data, 90% will provide 6-week follow-up data and 80% will provide 12-week follow-up data
 ImplementationThe extent to which the intervention is implemented as intendedPercentage of patients managed by a single trained PT.>90%
The percentage of PTs who participate in the fidelity assessments.>80%
MORE-Functional Measure (Modified MORE-FM) fidelity measure during patient encounters.>80% average score of 3 on MORE-FM during direct observation
Qualitative interviews of PT and patient participants will be used to understand potential barriers and facilitators to implementation of I-EPT.--
Qualitative interviews of key stakeholders will be used to understand potential barriers and facilitators to maintenance of I-EPT.--
MaintenanceThe sustainability of implementation over timeQualitative interviews of key stakeholders will be used to understand potential barriers and facilitators to maintenance of I-EPT.--
  • No benchmark established.

  • CMP, chronic musculoskeletal pain; I-EPT, Mindfulness Integrated in Evidenced-Based Physical Therapy; LTOT, long-term opioid treatment; MORE, Mindfulness Oriented Recovery Enhancement; PT, physical therapist; RE-AIM, Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance; REDCap, Research Electronic Data Capture.