Table 2

Bias mitigation strategies

Bias classificationBias typeMitigation strategy
Information biasOver surveillanceUse equal surveillance that is, evaluate both groups equally
Knowledge of the exposure
  • For the interviewer—blind the interviewer to the hypothesis so their recording will not be influenced

Selection BiasConfounding
  • Limit participation in study to individuals who are similar with respect to confounders.

  • During analysis apply stratification to classify participants according to confounder or use multivariate regression analysis

Participation of subjectsUsing a regression model including several covariates
Selection of subjectsUsing a computer-generated random selection list for selecting CKT groups and clinics
Loss to follow-up
  • Recruitment of participants within primary healthcare catchment area

  • Verification of contact details at recruitment

  • Request alternative contact details and possible permission for lay health workers to perform follow-up home visits

  • CKT, Circle Kubatana Tose.