Table 2

Results overview

All reviewed72100.092100.0293100.0
With any disability question 43 59.7 46 50.0 87 29.7
With functional difficulty questions 2 2.8 3 3.3 8 2.7
 Other functional difficulty questions11.411.141.4
With other disability questions 42 58.3 46 50.0 82 28.0
 Single functional difficulty3244.43234.85518.8
 Broad activity limitation11.411.110.3
 General disability79.777.672.4
 Disability benefit68.388.7217.2
  • Bold values signify any disability question.

  • *Source: Authors’ own calculations based on HFPS dataset review.

  • †Any disability question refers to surveys that were found to have any disability questions that fall under the following categories: functional difficulty or other disability questions.

  • ‡Functional difficulty questions could be the WG-SS or other functional difficulty questions. The number of countries with functional difficulty questions is not the sum of the numbers of countries with the WG-SS and with other functional difficulty questions as some countries have both.

  • §The number with any disability question does not add to the total number reviewed because not all countries, datasets and dataset-waves reviewed had disability questions.

  • HFPS, high-frequency phone survey; WG-SS, Washington Group Short Set.