Table 3

Results overview by language

With any disability question 37 1 5 1 79 1 5 2 87 29.7
With functional difficulty questions 2 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 8 2.7
 Other functional difficulty questions1000400041.4
With other disability questions 36 1 5 1 74 1 5 2 82 28.0
 Single functional difficulty27051500415518.8
 Broad activity limitation1000100010.3
 General disability6100610072.4
 Disability benefit600021000217.2
  • Bold values signify surveys found with any disability question.

  • *Source: Authors’ own calculations based on HFPS dataset review.

  • †The number of countries reviewed is not the sum as reported in table 2 because some countries had surveys with questionnaires in multiple languages.

  • ‡The total and percentage columns under dataset-waves refer to the total number of dataset-waves reviewed and their respective percentages in each category. These numbers correspond exactly with the final two columns of table 2.

  • HFPS, high-frequency phone survey; WG-SS, Washington Group Short Set.