Table 2

Overview of bedroom and apartment survey

Data categoryData description
GeneralSurveyors’ names
Participant ID
Apartment descriptionType: Single level, duplex, studio-apartment
Number of rooms
Type of each room: bedroom, living room, bathroom, etc
Heating system type
Sources of internal heat, for example, HIU,* hot water tanks†
Natural ventilation: single sided, cross-vented‡
Mechanical ventilation: extract only, supply and extract,§ MVHR¶
Bedroom descriptionFloor plan, dimensions, bed location, heat emitter** locations, ceiling height
Volume and location of large wardrobes, cupboards, etc
Natural ventilation: single sided, cross-vented‡
Mechanical ventilation inlets and outlets
Presence of fans, dehumidifies, portable air-conditioning
Bedroom windowsOrientation of each window (degrees from north)
Number of windows and the dimensions of each
Dimensions and type of each glass area (single, double, etc)
Number of opening windows, type of opening and opening area
Bedroom shadingPresence and dimensions of external shading: overhangs, side-fins
Internal shading for example, curtains (thick or thin), roller blinds, louvre blinds, etc
PhotographsExternal elevation of building showing apartment location
Views from bedroom window(s)
Window and curtain details
Hot water tanks and other internal heat sources
Fans, dehumidifier, air-conditioning if present
Mechanical ventilation inlets and outlets
  • *HIU transfers heat from the building-wide heat loop into the apartment.

  • †Hot water tanks commonly store hot water for washing and may also be used in conjunction with the HIU as part of the space heating system.

  • ‡Bedrooms and apartments that have single sided ventilation have windows and other openings facing in only one direction. Cross-ventilated apartments and bedrooms have openings on opposite sides of the building/bedroom. Cross-ventilation provides more effective natural night-time cooling of indoor spaces.

  • §Mechanical ventilation may be by extracting air (typically from kitchen and bathroom areas) or by extracting air and supplying fresh air to living spaces.

  • ¶MVHR units balance extract and supply air and transfer heat from the exhaust air to the supply air in winter.

  • **Either an electric heater or a radiator in a water-based system.

  • HIU, heat interface unit; MVHR, mechanical ventilation heat recovery.