Table 3

The history of participants’ urogenital schistosomiasis infection

VariablesCategoriesNo of participants% (95%CI)
Have you ever experienced UGS?Yes17169.8 (64.1 to 75.5)
No7430.2 (24.5 to 35.9)
How many times have you suffered from UGS?None7430.2 (24.5 to 36.7)
1–213053.1 (46.5 to 59.6)
3–43112.7 (8.6 to 17.1)
5+104.1 (1.6 to 6.5)
When was your last urogenital schistosomiasis infection?Now/currently sick83.3 (1.2 to 5.7)
Within 12 months135.3 (2.9 to 8.2)
More than 12 months ago14659.6 (53.5 to 66.1)
I don’t remember41.6 (0.4 to 3.3)
Never been infected7430.2 (24.5 to 36.3)
What schistosomiasis symptoms did you observe?Blood in urine249.8 (6.1 to 13.5)
Dysuria83.3 (1.2 to 5.7)
Blood in urine and dysuria4317.6 (13.1 to 22.4)
Blood in urine, dysuria and fever4618.8 (13.5 to 23.7)
Blood in urine, dysuria and itching93.7 (1.6 to 6.1)
Blood in urine, stomach ache and dysuria62.4 (0.8 to 4.5)
I don’t know3520.4 (15.5 to 28.1)
Did you seek for treatment?Yes16165.7 (60.4 to 71.4)
No104.1 (1.6 to 6.5)
Never got infected7430.2 (24.5 to 36.3)
Where did got treated?Health facility10643.3 (36.7 to 49.8)
Drug retailer shops3915.9 (11.8 to 20.4)
School83.3 (1.2 to 5.7)
Traditional herbs41.6 (0.4 to 3.7)
I don’t remember41.6 (0.4 to 3.7)
Not applicable8434.3 (27.8 to 40.4)
  • UGS, urogenital schistosomiasis.