Study ID | Country | Study design | Sample size | Delivery model | Unique model components |
Rao (2022) | South Africa | Retrospective cohort | 2776 | Facility based | NR |
Witte et al 31 | Uganda | Cross-sectional | 542 | Community based | Hotspots |
Hensen et al 19 | Zimbabwe | Mixed methods | 963 | Facility based | Static clinics, community mobilisation and referrals (DREAMS Initiative) |
Jana et al 24 | India | Demonstration trial | 678 | Home delivery & facility based | Weekly pick-ups and home delivery |
Little et al 33 | South Africa | Mixed methods | 600 | Facility based | Training of staff and peers |
Leis et al 22 | Kenya | Cross-sectional | 220 | Facility based | Availability of free PrEP |
Franks et al 21 | DRC | Demonstration project | 469 | Facility based | Leveraged existing facility staff and was supported by the PrEP coordinator |
Chimbindi (2021) | South Africa | Mixed methods | 2184 | Community based | Hotspots |
Nalukwago (2021) | Uganda | Cross-sectional | 126 | Facility based | Drug pick-ups |
Matambanadzo et al 30 | Zimbabwe | Follow-up study | 19 407 | Community based | Peer led, used virtual appointment platforms, had multimonth refills, post-initiation support, unique alphanumerical identifier |
Kagaayi et al 26 | Uganda | Retrospective cohort | 1332 | Facility based | Health facilities and community outreach |
Diantha (2020) | South Africa | Cross-sectional | 299 | Facility based | Implementers of oral PrEP |
Sarr et al 25 | Senegal | Demonstration trial | 267 | Facility based | Clinic drug refills |
Geldsetzer (2020) | Eswatini | Stepped-wedge RCT and qualitative survey | 2232 | Facility based | PrEP promotion using videos and T-shirts, flip charts and booklets |
Becquet (2020) | Ivory Coast | Mixed methods | 1000 | Community based | Use of community-based organisations |
Guure (2020) | Ghana | Cross-sectional | 998 | Community based | Venue, day and time scheduling at different FSW venues |
Sushena (2020) | India | Demonstration trial | 647 | Community based | Intense community preparedness using peers and leaders |
Mudzviti (2020) | Zimbabwe | Cross-sectional | 131 | NR | NR |
Chimbindi (2019) | South Africa | Cohort | 2184 | Community based | Targeted rollout (demand for, access to and community members’ attitude toward PrEP) |
Mboup et al 27 | Benin | Prospective cohort | 256 | Facility based | Drug refills at the facility and in the community, integration of ART with PrEP |
Cowan et al 20 | Zimbabwe | Cluster randomised trial | 2883 | Facility based | Community mobilisation, legal advice, trained peers, drop-in centres and telephone reminders (Sister’s Programme) |
Eakle et al 28 | South Africa | Retrospective cohort | 219 | Facility based | Clinic pick-ups |
Alary (2016) | Benin | NR | 256 | Community based | NR |
ART, antiretroviral treatment; DRC, Democratic Republic of Congo; FSW, female sex worker; NR, not reported; PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis; RCT, randomised controlled trial.