Table 2

Summary of intervention and setting characteristics (n=66)

(n (%))
Primary condition/health concern
Cancer7 (11)
Cardiac conditions3 (5)
Chronic pain/musculoskeletal3 (5)
Dermatologic conditions4 (6)
Diabetes5 (8)
Kidney disease3 (5)
Mental health5 (8)
Palliative3 (5)
Specialist clinic*8 (12)
Surgery—unspecified3 (5)
Multiple conditions11 (17)
Not applicable/unspecified11 (17)
Setting/context of care delivery
Ambulatory care/outpatient clinic40 (60)
Primary care13 (20)
Home and community care7 (11)
Not applicable/not specified6 (9)
Type of virtual care modality†
Virtual visit/telemedicine—video43 (65)
Virtual visit/telemedicine—audio only37 (56)
Remote monitoring11 (17)
Mobile application11 (17)
Self-monitoring/wearables8 (12)
Synchronous messaging4 (6)
Asynchronous messaging9 (14)
Patient portals10 (15)
Other/not specified7 (11)
Number of Interventions
1 or 246 (70)
3 or 417 (25)
5 to 73 (5)
  • *Medical specialties include ear nose and throat (otolaryngology), gastroenterology, neurology, gynaecology and urology.

  • †Percentage totals exceed 100 as studies included multiple modalities.