Table 1

Workplace and COVID-19-related statements

StatementLikert scale
Please rate how satisfied you are with your electronic medical record.Very unsatisfied=1, very satisfied=5
Staffing levels in this work setting are sufficient to handle the number of patients.Disagree strongly=1, agree strongly=5
I am treated fairly in the workplace.Disagree strongly=1, agree strongly=5
The COVID-19 pandemic has interfered with my ability to do my job because of its impact on my work environment.Disagree strongly=1, agree strongly=5
The COVID-19 pandemic has interfered with my ability to do my job because of its impact on my personal life.Disagree strongly=1, agree strongly=5
I feel happy at work.Disagree strongly=1, agree strongly=5
I am contributing professionally (eg, patient care, teaching, research and leadership) in the ways I value most.Disagree strongly=1, agree strongly=5