Table 1

Data collection and follow-up

Pre-opIntra-opPost-op 1 hourPost-op 3 hoursPost-op 12 hoursPOD 1Follow-up once a day until POD 7
Informed consent×
Demographic data×
Airway assessment*×
Artificial airway management†×
Intraoperative airway-related data‡×
Tracheal tube–tongue pressure×
Intraoperative intake and output volume×
Visible intraoral injury before extubation×
Oedema of the head and face××××××
Postoperative laryngopharyngeal discomfort×××××
Perioperative glucocorticoid use××××××
Water intake×××××
Solid food intake×××××
Airway-related events§×××××
Patient satisfaction (1–10/10)×××××
  • *Preoperative airway assessment includes neck circumference, Mallampati classification, mouth opening, nail–chin distance and mandibular angle.

  • †Artificial airway management includes tracheal tube type, intubation device, and ventilation parameters.

  • ‡Intraoperative airway-related data include patient position and maintenance time, duration of mechanical ventilation and endotracheal tube intubation, and special events, such as tube kinking, abnormal airway pressure and abnormal ventilation.

  • §Airway-related events include bronchospasm, aspiration, secondary intubation, respiratory tract infection, respiratory insufficiency and prolonged oxygen therapy.

  • POD, postoperative day.