Outcomes related to support services utilisation | Frequency of the HCWs who attended the programme36 40 42 60 87; frequency of programme activation34 37 40 42 43 45 47–49 51 52 55–57; average duration of the encounters57; no of programme dropouts33; median no of interactions per month52 53 57; frequency of peer support encounters50 53; no of HCWs who need external support.57 |
Evaluation of the programme by the peer supporters perspective | Overall peer support satisfaction with the training33 34 47 49 87; perception of acquired knowledge, meaningfulness, motivation and interest to learn more and apply the learning44; satisfaction about how encounter end out45; need for additional training and experience45; feeling able to provide support and being comfortable with their knowledge and skills as a peer supporter.45 |
Evaluation of the programme by the user perspective (HCWs involved in PSIs/SV) | Overall satisfaction with the programme33 36–38 40 43 45 49 51 54 58 59 87; knowledge/skills acquisition33 41; usefulness of the contents33; timeliness of the programme48; perceived helpfulness of the programme46 53; HCWs awareness of SVP phenomenon39; qualitative experience after attending the programme (how much HCWs benefit from the programme).33 36–38 40 43 45 49 51 54 58 59 87 |
Health-related outcomes | Psychological and physical distress47; emotional distress46; perceived stress44 60 anxiety and burn-out54 58; assessment of quality of life36; perceptions of individual coping skills such us emotion regulation, self-efficacy and resilience.39 44 47 87 |
Work-related outcomes | Job satisfaction36; turnover intention and absenteeism47; return to work35; confidence in coping with adverse events.87 |
HCWs, healthcare workers; PSIs, patient safety incidents; SVP, second victim phenomenon.