Table 1

Demographics and summary outcomes of participants enrolled

ItemsTotal (n=458)AD (n=236)MCI (n=222)P
Male (N, %)180 (39.30)109 (46.19)71 (31.98)*
Female (N, %)278 (60.70)127 (53.81)151 (68.02)
Age (mean, SD)72.99 (9.04)75.68 (7.63)70.14 (9.55)*
Education10.30 (7.08)10.54 (9.02)10.05 (4.14)0.46
MMSE20.45 (6.06)16.76 (5.31)24.36 (4.03)*
NPI9.28 (12.18)12.28 (13.65)6.09 (9.40)*
GDS6.37 (5.23)6.39 (5.23)6.36 (5.23)0.95
BNT20.05 (6.54)17.69 (6.55)22.57 (5.53)*
AVLT IR14.70 (7.07)10.84 (5.75)18.80 (5.95)*
AVLT DR2.38 (3.23)0.71 (1.60)4.11 (3.60)*
AVLT CR4.24 (3.96)1.99 (2.55)6.57 (3.86)*
AVLT recognition11.64 (4.96)10.34 (5.70)12.63 (4.25)*
TMT-A112.26 (38.41)129.34 (30.49)94.09 (37.66)*
TMT-B226.61 (84.02)262.79 (60.99)188.15 (88.09)*
  • *P<0.01.

  • AVLT, auditory verbal learning test; BNT, Boston Naming Test; CR, clue recall; DR, delay recall; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale; IR, immediate recall; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; NPI, Neuropsychiatric Inventory; TMT, Trail Marking Test.