Table 1

The summary statistics for the intervention and non-intervention areas at the intervention onset in the 7 weeks prior to the introduction of the mobile vaccination unit

Non-intervention areasIntervention areas
Total population1 495 582338 006
% women50.8448.92
Population density—people per hectare38.8465.11
Mean age42.7138.03
% Asian/Asian British1.103.28
% Black/Black British0.522.37
% Mixed people1.481.87
IMD score*28.7140.38
% households with at least one-bedroom fewer than they need2.694.77
Average travel time by car to the nearest conventional static vaccine site—minutes4.142.83
First dose vaccine uptake among adults (the percentage of adults who have received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine among the total eligible adult population prior to preintervention) (%)69.2852.65
Average weekly first dose vaccination rate among adults in the 7 weeks prior to intervention (%)1.851.51
No of LSOAs1112216
  • *We primarily used the IMD score in our main models 1 and 2 in the following analysis. We then sorted the IMD score in ascending order and divided it into three equal parts to facilitate our subgroup analysis by level of deprivation.

  • IMD, index of multiple deprivation; LSOAs, lower super output areas.