Table 2

Screening and extraction form

Level 1: Title and abstract review
1. Is this title written in English or Swedish?Yes/no
2. Does it seem to address AN in general psychiatric inpatient care?Yes/no
Level 2: Full-text review
1. Is there any reason this article should be excluded?
If yes:
What is the reason for excluding?
  1. Not in English/Swedish

  2. Not about AN in general psychiatric inpatient care

  3. No full text available despite efforts to retrieve

If no:
What is the bibliographical information?
  1. Author/s

  2. Title

  3. Country

  4. Publication year

What type of publications?
  1. Theoretical (commentary/viewpoint/letter)

  2. Empirical (qualitative/quantitative/case report)

  • AN, anorexia nervosa.