Table 3

Public health system-level example variables of interest

Variables of interestComponentsSources databaseSource database specifications
IDUnique patient identifier provided by the ISQFIPAFIPA contains information about patients covered by the public health insurance
Partial postal codeFirst three digitsFIPA
Urgent care admission eventBDCUBDCU contains information about urgent care admissions
Length of hospitalisationMED-ECHOMED-ECHO contains information about hospitalisations
Service request eventI-CLSCI-CLSC contains information about frontline common health and social services
  • A list of all available variables that the ISQ can provide can be found at:

  • BDCU, Banque de données commune des urgences; FIPA, Fichier d’inscription des personnes assurées; I-CLSC, Système d’information sur la clientèle et les services des CSSS-mission CLSC; ISQ, itut de la Statistique du Québec; MED-ECHO, Maintenance et exploitation des données pour l’étude de la clientèle hospitalières.