Table 3

Ordinary least square regression coefficients of mother’s region of origin on child’s birth weight (large cohorts)

DV: birth weightELFE (FR)Raine Study (AU)BiB (UK)
Child controlsSESSmokedChild controlsSESSmokedChild controlsSESSmoked
Mother’s region of origin
 Host country-born (ref.)
 Western EU/EEA24.72120.837.230.325.345.142.930.3
 Eastern EU97.994.685.238.137.529.944.134.629.5
 Other Europe and Central Asia5.713.81−10.26.5−13.3
 East Asia and Pacific145.3**142.3**131.8**13.810.1−9115.396.180.2
 South Asia211.9211.1244.7−51.2−54.2−87.4−74.1***−69.4***−94.4***
 Middle East and North Africa60.4**86.6***61.2**40.240.836.5−35.3−45−60.5
 Sub-Saharan Africa−38.5−9.8−40.1−35.8−46.9−67.9−53.8−58.1−82.1
 Latin America and Caribbean−7.18.7−14.5165.7165.7126.6
 North America−67.6−76.6−56.7374.4**373.1**354.9**108.786.470.2
Child controls
 Plural birth†−372.7***−374.2***−378.6***000−319.7***−313.2***−318.7***
 Mother’s parity (birth order)50.3***55.3***54.2***64.7***65.1***64***52.8***59.9***57***
 Gestational age23.7***23.6***23.5***20.1***20.2***20.2***25.4***25.5***25.3***
Mother controls
 Pre-pregnancy weight4.7***5***4.9***5.7***5.8***5.6***5.6***5.6***5.6***
 High (ref)
Household income quintiles§
 1st quintile (ref.)
 2nd quintile51.2***43.8***−−6.1
 3rd quintile49.6***32.2*−35.3−15.1−44.4−33.5
 4th quintile55.1***34.4*−37.12.3−43.7*−35.7
 5th quintile58.4***33.9*−63.5**−32.2
Mother smoked (pregnancy)−119.8***−157.5***−108.9***
N12 41912 41912 419231023102310414141414141
DV: birth weightABCD (NL)Gen R (NL)
Child controlsSESSmokedChild controlsSESSmoked
Mother’s region of origin
Host country-born (ref.)
 Western EU/EEA7.810.50.832.340.534.3
 Eastern EU−99.4−83.2−90.168.399.178.7
 Other Europe and Central Asia28.867.768.511.558.552.2
 East Asia and Pacific121.3*134.5*122.7*124**143.3**127.5**
 South Asia−174.8**−144.3*−170.9**11.435.89.4
 Middle East and North Africa−
 Sub-Saharan Africa−54.6−19.9−41.1−115.8**−68.5−86.9*
 Latin America and Caribbean−89.7**−63*−73.3*−71.5**−37.1−49.8*
 North America−148.5−143.1−151−62.5−64.6−74.8
Child controls
 Plural birth†000−404.5***−409***−409.4***
 Mother’s parity (birth order)80.3***83.5***82.3***107.1***110.9***108.7***
 Gestational age25.7***25.5***25.5***26.1***25.9***25.9***
Mother controls
 Pre-pregnancy weight4.7***5.3***5.2***4.65***4.9***
 High (ref)
Household income quintiles§
 1st quintile (ref.)
 2nd quintile0.53.923.918
 3rd quintile−10.9−0.557.2**44.8*
 4th quintile−37.9−23.593.6**73.4*
 5th quintile100.9**79.6*
Mother smoked (pregnancy)−140.1***−77.3***
  • M1: basic child and mother’s controls at birth. M2: M1 + socioeconomic status (SES) variables. M3: M2 + mother’s smoking during pregnancy.

  • *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.

  • †The ABCD and the Raine Study cohorts only included single births in their sample.

  • ‡Level of education based on the highest ongoing or completed education when the child was 0 years old (between >−1 year and <1 year). If more than one education level is reported within the defined time frame, we used the highest recorded education level. Classification according to International Standard Classification of Education 97/2011 (ISCED-97/2011). High: short cycle tertiary, bachelor, masters, doctoral or equivalent (ISCED-2011: 5-8, ISCED-97: 5-6). Medium: upper secondary, post-secondary non-tertiary (ISCED-2011: 3-4, ISCED-97: 3-4). Low: no education; early childhood; pre-primary; primary; lower secondary or second stage of basic education (ISCED-2011: 0-2, ISCED-97: 0-2).

  • §European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions income quintiles for all cohorts except for Raine (AU) and ABCD (NL) that measured household income in quartiles.

  • ABCD, Amsterdam Born Children and their Development; AU, Australia; BiB, Born in Bradford; EEA, European Economic Area; ELFE, Etude Longitudinale Française depuis l’Enfance; EU, European Union; Gen R, Generation R.