Table 6

Factors that contribute to Preponderance of Initiative (patient or healthcare professional initiative), obtained using multivariate logistic regression (n=173)

Predictor variablesORCIP value
Increasing total medications discussed1.21.0 to 1.50.06
Preferred role in discussing medications with healthcare professionals*0.30.1 to 2.40.24
Increasing patient risk of medication-related problems1.51.0 to 2.10.04
Increasing total medications prescribed at hospital discharge0.90.7 to 1.00.06
Patient factors†0.40.1 to 1.80.21
Family/friend/carer/significant other present‡0.20.1 to 1.10.06
  • Note. For Preponderance of Initiative, higher odds indicate more chance of healthcare professional initiative, while lower odds indicate more chance of patient initiative.

  • *Reference: active role preferred in discussing medications with healthcare professionals.

  • †Reference: patient factors present, examples of patient factors are poor hearing or sight.

  • ‡Reference=yes, family/friend/carer/significant other present.