GP cooperative (GPC) | Medical helpline 1813 (MH-1813) | |
Region | Central Denmark Region | Capital Region of Denmark |
Population33 | 1.3 m citizens | 1.8 m citizens |
Telephone calls in 201628 | 701 000 | 806 000 |
Organiser | GPs in the region | Regional administration |
Organisation and services |
Remuneration of professionals | Fee for service | Payment by the hour |
Triage model | GPs or GP trainees in their final year of specialty; no CDSS available | Nurses who are obliged to use a CDSS and have option to redirect calls to a physician |
GPs typically work 8 hour shifts and have approx. 1–4 shifts per month besides their daytime work | Physicians with different medical specialities (a minority being GPs) | |
Nurses work 8 hour shifts and are mostly fully employed at MH-1813. | ||
Physicians work 8 hour shifts and are employed besides their daytime job |
The triage models and organisations remain largely unchanged since 2014.
CDSS, computerised decision support system; EDs, Emergency Departments; GP, general practitioner.