Table 2

Data extraction template

1. Article informationTitle
Year of publication
Country of study
2. Study informationStudy design (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods and systematic and meta-analysis reviews).
3. MethodologyTarget population:
  • Adolescents.

  • Parents including extended family members.

Average age (adolescents)
Sample size
Indicators of the effectiveness of communication between parents and adolescents on SRH, if the articles report it:
  • Strengthen parents SRH communication with their children.

  • Promote safe sexual practices among adolescents, such as condom use.

  • Early initiation of sexual intercourse is avoided.

  • Less likely to report STIs, including (HIV/AIDS).

  • Adolescent pregnancy reduction.

4. Results Themes:
  •  Barriers of parent–adolescent communication.

  •  Facilitators of parent–adolescent communication.

5. Conclusions and limitationsConclusions and limitations of the scoping review.
  • SRH, sexual and reproductive health ; STIs, sexually transmitted infections.