Table 1

Proposed data sources for the prototype MDS

SectionsExample variablesDigital care recordsHealth and social care datasets
1Demographics/characteristicsDate of birth; sex; NHS no; area-based deprivationNoPersonal demographics service
Religion, languages, marital or partnership status, deprivation of libertyYesNo
Ethnicity; weight; heightYesGP data; secondary user services data
2Palliative care needsEnd of life pathway registerNoGP data
3Care home stayDate of entry to care home; date of deathYesNo
4Resident needsSkin conditionYesNo
Cognitive impairment and impact on perception, understanding and need for supportYes*GP data; secondary user services data
Oral/nutritional statusNoSecondary user services data
ContinenceNoCommunity datasets (where available)
Ability to perform activities of daily living; cognitive performance; deliriumYes*No
5Quality of lifeOutcomes; mood; dementia quality of lifeYes*No
6Complications/ adverse eventsInfectionsYesGP data; secondary user services data
Falls (leading to hospital admission or GP visit)YesSecondary user services data; 999 data; ambulance data
Falls (only captured at care home level); early warning score; unintended weight lossYesNo
7DiagnosesMedical historyNoSecondary user services data; GP data
FrailtyNoGP data
Adverse reactions and allergiesNoGP data
8Medication and vaccinationPrescribed medication and administered vaccinesNoGP data
9Healthcare utilisationPrimary care useNoGP data; NHS 111 data; 999 data
Community nursing; community allied health professionalsNoCommunity services data set
Out-of-hours contactsNoGP out-of-hours data
Ambulance call-outsNoAmbulance data
Accident and Emergency (A&E) attendance; emergency admissions; secondary care usage (outpatient appointments and elective admission)NoSecondary user services data
10Care home characteristics and workforce characteristicsType of home; care home characteristics, specialities and client groups; location of care home; area-based deprivation; registered bed capacity; sector of provider; provider ownership type; CQC ratingNoCQC data
Staffing model; staffing ratios; numbers and types of staff; no of agency staff; no and type of vacanciesNo†Skills for care data
  • *Will be added to the software for the purposes of the pilot study.

  • †As the Skills for Care workforce survey is voluntary, we will ask participating homes to provide some information on workforce as part of a short online survey for the pilot.

  • CQC, Care Quality Commission; GP, general practitioner; MDS, minimum data set; NHS, National Health Service.