Table 1

Search strategy for PubMed, Embase and Web of Science databases

DatabaseSearch items
 #1‘Hypertension’ (MeSH) OR ‘Hypertension’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘High Blood Pressure*’ (Title/Abstract)
 #2‘sodium, dietary’ (MeSH) OR ‘sodium chloride’ (MeSH) OR ‘sodium’ (MeSH) OR ‘sodium dietary’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘sodium chloride’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘sodium’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘NaCl’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘salt’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘dietary sodium’ (Title/Abstract)
 #3‘potassium, dietary’ (MeSH) OR ‘potassium’ (MeSH) OR ‘potassium dietary’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘potassium’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘dietary potassium’ (Title/Abstract)
 #4‘sodium to potassium ratio’ (Title/Abstract)
 #5#2 OR #3 OR #4
 #6‘Incidence’ (MeSH) OR ‘Risk’ (MeSH) OR ‘Incidence*’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘Risk*’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘proportion*, incidence’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘Incidence Proportion*’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘Relative Risk*’ (Title/Abstract)
 #7‘Cohort Studies’ (MeSH) OR ‘follow-up studies’ (MeSH) OR ‘Cohort Study*’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘follow-up study*’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘incidence study’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘prospective’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘longitudinal’ (Title/Abstract) OR ‘Cohort’ (Title/Abstract)
 #8‘Animals’ (MeSH) NOT ‘Humans’ (MeSH)
 #9‘comment’ (Publication Type) OR ‘editorial’ (Publication Type) OR ‘letter’ (Publication Type) OR ‘review’ (Publication Type)
 #10#1 AND #5 AND #6 AND #7 NOT #8 NOT #9
Web of Science
 #1TOPIC: (Hypertension) OR TOPIC: (High Blood Pressure) OR TOPIC: (High Blood Pressures)
Timespan: All years. Databases: WOSCC, KJD, MEDLINE, RSCI, SCIELO, BIOSIS. Search language=Auto
 #2TOPIC: (sodium, dietary) OR TOPIC: (sodium chloride) OR TOPIC: (sodium) OR TOPIC: (NaCl) OR TOPIC: (salt) OR TOPIC: (sodium intake) OR TOPIC: (dietary sodium) OR TOPIC: (potassium, dietary) OR TOPIC: (potassium) OR TOPIC: (dietary potassium) OR TOPIC: (potassium intake) OR TOPIC: (sodium to potassium ratio)
Timespan: All years. Databases: WOSCC, KJD, MEDLINE, RSCI, SCIELO, BIOSIS. Search language=Auto
 #3TOPIC: (incidence) OR TOPIC: (incidence proportion) OR TOPIC: (risk) OR TOPIC: (relative risk)
Timespan: All years. Databases: WOSCC, KJD, MEDLINE, RSCI, SCIELO, BIOSIS. Search language=Auto
 #4TOPIC: (cohort studies) OR TOPIC: (follow-up studies) OR TOPIC: (prospective) OR TOPIC: (longitudinal) OR TOPIC: (cohort) OR TOPIC: (incidence study)
Timespan: All years. Databases: WOSCC, KJD, MEDLINE, RSCI, SCIELO, BIOSIS. Search language=Auto
 #5#1 AND #2 AND #3 AND #4 AND Document Types: (Article)
 #2’high blood pressure’:ab,ti OR ‘blood pressure, high’:ab,ti OR ‘hypertension’:ab,ti
 #3#1 OR #2
 #4‘sodium chloride’/exp OR ‘sodium intake’/exp OR ‘sodium’/exp OR ‘potassium intake’/exp OR ‘potassium’/exp
 #5’salt’:ab,ti OR ‘sodium’:ab,ti OR ’natrium intake’:ab,ti OR ’dietary sodium’:ab,ti OR ’sodium intake’:ab,ti OR ’sodium chloride’:ab,ti OR ’potassium intake’:ab,ti OR ’potassium’:ab,ti OR ’dietary potassium’:ab,ti OR ’sodium to potassium ratio’:ab,ti
 #6#4 OR #5
 #7‘incidence’/exp OR ‘risk’/exp
 #8‘cohort studies’:ab,ti OR ‘longitudinal’:ab,ti OR ‘cohort’:ab,ti OR ‘prospective’:ab,ti OR ‘incidence study’:ab,ti OR ‘follow-up studies’:ab,ti
 #11#3 AND #6 AND #7 AND #8 AND #9 AND #10