Table 1

Respondent characteristics (all respondents, n=840 691)

All trans and non-binary respondents (n, %)All other survey respondents
(n, %)
All respondents (n=840 691)6333834 358
Gender (n=835 561)
Female1708 (28.2)468 958 (56.5)
Male1971 (32.6)359 266 (43.3)
Non-binary1220 (20.2)
Prefer to self-describe1047 (17.3)
Prefer not to say103 (1.7)1288 (0.2)
Trans status (n=834 746)
Gender identity the same as sex registered at birth957 (15.3)825 209 (99.6)
Gender identity different from sex registered at birth4642 (74.4)
Prefer not to say644 (10.3)3294 (0.4)
Age (years) (n=833 526)
16–24628 (10.1)41 162 (5.0)
25–34838 (13.5)69 764 (8.4)
35–441109 (17.9)100 108 (12.1)
45–541155 (18.6)137 231 (16.6)
55–641080 (17.4)174 512 (21.1)
65–74827 (13.3)172 155 (20.8)
75–84573 (9.2)132 384 (16.0)
Ethnicity (n=834 261)
White3343 (54.0)702 888 (84.9)
Asian176 (2.8)10 780 (1.3)
Black1467 (23.7)70 305 (8.5)
Mixed482 (7.8)27 612 (3.3)
Other727 (11.7)16 481 (2.0)
Sexual orientation (n=820 113)
Heterosexual2682 (46.1)754 746 (92.7)
Lesbian/gay310 (5.3)11 452 (1.4)
Bisexual462 (7.9)8186 (1.0)
Other752 (12.9)6235 (0.8)
Prefer not to say1614 (27.7)33 674 (4.1)
Deprivation (n=840 691)
Most deprived2211 (34.9)162 804 (19.5)
21650 (26.1)167 119 (20.0)
31117 (17.6)172 925 (20.7)
4791 (12.5)169 938 (20.4)
Least deprived561 (8.9)161 387 (19.3)