Construct | What the measure captures | Measure | Administration mode | Time for administer (min) |
Child health and household socioeconomic status (SES) |
| Eligibility and contextual form (specifically developed for the study) | Caregiver report | 35 |
Anthropometry |
| Anthropometry form | Child assessment | 15 |
Family/home environment |
| Home observation for measurement of the environment inventory (HOME)29 OR family care indicators (FCI)30 † | HOME: caregiver report & observation FCI: caregiver report | HOME: 45 FCI: 15 |
| Childhood Psychosocial Adversity Scale (CPAS)31 † | Caregiver report | 15 | |
| Brief Resilience Scale (BRS)32 † | Caregiver report | 1 | |
| Family Support Scale (FSS)33 † | Caregiver report | 5 | |
Caregiver health and well-being |
| The Patient Health Questionnaire- 9 (PHQ-9)34 | Caregiver report | 5 |
Child development |
| Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (Bayley-III)35 OR Griffiths Mental Development Scales36 ‡ | Direct child assessment | 45–60 |
| Early Childhood Development Index 2030 (ECDI2030)4 § | Caregiver report | 10 |
*Socioeconomic information on this form comes from the standard DHS multiple assets index; however, some sites have adapted the socioeconomic status items to better fit their contexts.
†These measures have been minorly adapted for the purpose of the study.
‡In a subsample (n=150).
§In a subsample (all children of 24–41 months within the predictive validity subsamples in three countries).
DHS, Demographic and Health Survey; GSED, Global Scales for Early Development.