Table 3

‘Reference’ subsample exclusion criteria (healthy subsample)

SampleExclusion criteria
Minimum subsample of ‘reference’ children per site
  1. Below secondary maternal education (<6 years of schooling)

  2. Birth weight <2500 g

  3. Gestational age <37 completed weeks (259 days) and ≥42 completed weeks (294 days) (assessed by ultrasound)

  4. Undernutrition (weight for age, length for age, OR weight for height Z score of <–2 on the WHO Child Growth Standards) at the time of developmental assessment

  5. Known severe congenital birth defect

  6. History of birth asphyxia OR neonatal sepsis requiring hospitalisation

  7. Known neurodevelopmental disorder/disability (Severe visual problems, seizures, hearing impairment) OR other chronic health problems (ie, congenital heart disease)