Table 1

Overview of the TEAM-AMB study

A team training programme’s impact on medication administration, teamwork, and patient safety culture in an ambulance service (TEAM-AMB).
PrestudyResearch questions: Are the psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the T-TPQ appropriate for use within ambulance services?
Design: quantitative
Sample: ambulance professionals
Data collection: a cross-sectional survey with T-TPQ
AimsThe overall aims of the study are: (1) to advance the knowledge of the medication administration process in an ambulance service and (2) to study the impact of a team training programme on MAEs, teamwork and patient safety culture
Study 1Study 2Study 3Study 4Study 5
Research questionsWhat is the frequency of MAEs in an ambulance service?How can the medication administration process in an ambulance be described according to the SEIPS model?What is the impact of a team training programme on the frequency of MAEs in an ambulance service?How do ambulance professionals experience teamwork before and after implementing a team training programme? Relatedly, how can their experience with the programme be described?Have ambulance professionals’ perceptions of teamwork and patient safety culture changed after the implementation of a team training programme?
Sample data sourceEPJsAmbulance professionalsEPJsAmbulance professionalsAmbulance professionals
Data collectionRetrospective review of EPJsIndividual interviews, observations and review of guidelinesRetrospective review of EPJsFocus group interviews before and after the interventionA cross-sectional survey with the questionnaires
T-TPQ and PreHSOPSC before and after the intervention
PoststudyResearch questions: What is the relationship between MAEs and ambulance professionals’ perceptions of team training and patient safety culture in an ambulance service?
Design: quantitative
Sample: ambulance professionals and EPJs
Data collection: data from the review of EPJs (Study 1 and 3) and the cross-sectional survey of the ambulance professionals’ perceptions of teamwork and patient safety culture (Study 5)
  • EPJs, electronic patient journals; MAEs, medication administration errors; PreHSOPSC, Prehospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture; SEIPS, System Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety; T-TPQ, TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Perception Questionnaire.