Table 4

Amended ABCD Risk Questionnaire

Knowledge1. One of the main causes of heart attack and stroke is stressCorrect answers:
Q5— T
Correct score=1, incorrect or don’t know: score=0
2. Walking and gardening are considered types of exercise that can lower the risk of having a heart attack or stroke
3. Moderately intense activity of 2.5 hours a week is enough to reduce your chances of having a heart attack or stroke
4. People who have diabetes are at higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke
5. Managing your stress levels will help you to manage your blood pressure
6. Drinking high levels of alcohol can increase your cholesterol and triglyceride levels
7. HDL refers to ‘good’ cholesterol, and LDL refers to ‘bad’ cholesterol
8. A family history of heart disease is not a risk factor for high blood pressure
Perceived risk of heart attack or stroke9. It is likely that I will have a heart attack or stroke some time in my life4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
10. There is a good chance I will experience a heart attack or stroke in the next 10 years4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
11. It is more likely I will have a heart attack or stroke because of my past and/or present behaviours4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
12. I am not worried that I might have a heart attack or strokeReverse coded
4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
13. I am concerned about the likelihood of having a heart attack or stroke in the near future4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
Perceived benefits and intentions to exercise14. I am thinking about exercising at least 2.5 hours a week4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
15. I intend or want to exercise at least 2.5 hours a week4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
16. When I exercise for at least 2.5 hours a week, I am doing something good for the health of my heart4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
17. I am confident that I can maintain a healthy weight by exercising at least 2.5 hours a week4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
18. I am not thinking about exercising for 2.5 hours a weekReverse coded
4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
19. Increasing my exercise to at least 2.5 hours a week will decrease my chances of having a heart attack or stroke4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
Perceived benefit and healthy eating intentions20. I am confident that I can eat at least five portions of fruits and vegetables a day within the next 2 months4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
21. I am thinking about eating at least five portions of fruits and vegetables a day4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
22. I am not thinking about eating at least five portions of fruits and vegetables a dayReverse coded
4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
23. When I eat five portions of fruits and vegetables a day, I am doing something good for the health of my heart4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
Benefits and intentions to stop smoking24. I am thinking of stopping smoking within 2 months4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
25. I have reduced or stopped smoking4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
26. I intend or want to stop smoking4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
27. If I stop smoking, it will reduce my chances of having a heart attack or stroke4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
28. I am not thinking about stopping smokingReverse coded
4=strongly disagree, 3=disagree, 2=agree, 1=strongly agree; N/A=0
  • ABCD, Attitudes and Beliefs about Cardiovascular Disease; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; N/A, not applicable.