Table 5

Appraisals of the implementation plans and healthcare guidelines documents in related to TB and DM services delivery and management of both diseases in Malawi

Summarised appraisal of TB and DM guidelines and policy-related documents for research & evaluation II (AGREE) - AGREE II Documents Review Approach
No:Document TitleScope and PurposeStakeholders InvolvementRigour of DevelopmentClarity of PresentationApplicabilityEditorial IndependenceAggregate ScoreOverall Score (%)
1National Action Plan for Prevention and Management of non-communicable diseases in Malawi (2012–2016) (2013)1915102015139270.4
2Health Sector Strategic Plan II
2017–2022. (2017)
3The Malawi Non-communicable
Diseases and Injuries Poverty Commission Report: Reframing Non-communicable Diseases and Injuries for the Poorest Billions (2018)
4National laboratory policy “Comprehensive, Accessible, Affordable and Quality Services to all” (2017)1815111815139066.7
5Malawi National Tuberculosis Control Programme Manual421816111917179874.1
6Tuberculosis Control Programme National Strategic Plan 2015–2020 (2015)19181420201610782.4
7Guidelines for Infection Prevention and control for Tuberculosis (2016)18181319171510075.9
  • Maximum possible score = Strongest agree(7), domains(6), appraisers(3) = 126; minimum possible score = strongest strongly disagree(1), domains(6), appraisers(3) = 18. Appraisers’ coring Rates used per domain: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, where 1 is strongly disagree and 7 is strongly agree as adopted from AGREE approach, the scaled domains % score will be: (obtained score − minimum score)/(maximum possible score − minimum possible score).(23)

  • Assessment summary of scoring of implementation plans and guidelines documents on development process and contents in related to TB and DM services delivery and management of both diseases in Malawi through application of AGREE II approach.

  • AGREII, Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II; DM, diabetes mellitus; TB, tuberculosis.