Table 5

Multivariate regression analysis of direct to ICU group in each surgical outcome

OR/β95% CIP value
Surgery repeated in 30 days0.2500.018 to 3.5320.305
Postoperative complications1.8340.547 to 6.1440.326
Number of postoperative complications
 10.5910.163 to 2.1400.424
 21.2250.088 to 17.1420.880
 30.0310 to 2.0660.105
Number of tubes
 10.6090.175 to 2.1200.436
 20.3050.042 to 2.2280.242
Hospital length of stay (M (P25, P75))1.1460.381 to 3.4440.809
White cell count (Embedded Image)−2.301−4.598 to −0.0040.050*
Haemoglobin level (Embedded Image)−10.561−18.218 to −2.9040.007*
Potassium level (Embedded Image)0.025−0.200 to 0.02340.875
Albumin level (Embedded Image)−0.745−3.366 to −1.8770.575
  • *represents statictical significance (p<0.05)

  • ICU, intensive care unit.