Table 1

Characteristics of country programmes contributing data

Punjab, IndiaIndonesiaMyanmarNasarawa, NigeriaVietnam
Year of programme initiation2016*2017201720152017
Time period of data includedFebruary 2016–June 2021January 2017–February 2022June 2017–March 2018July 2017–December 2020June 2017–December 2018
Data retrieval dateJune 2021March 2022March 2020January 2021January 2019
Scope of data collectedInitial patients treated and longer term scale-upInitial patients treated and longer-term scale-upInitial patients treated onlyInitial patients treated onlyInitial patients treated only
Data sourceCustom web-based systemExcel and custom web-based systemElectronic case-based medical record system (OpenMRS)Paper records at facilitiesPaper records at facilities
Geographic coverage of data collected1 state17 provinces3 states and regions1 state7 provinces
N and type of health facilities/sites included59—hospitals, HIV treatment centres, opioid substitution therapy centres and prisons38—national referral hospitals, provincial hospitals and district hospitals, prison hospitals, military hospitals, police hospitals and one private hospital8—general hospitals, specialist hospitals2—outpatient and internal medicine departments from a general hospital and a specialist hospital8—two national hospitals, five provincial hospitals and one district health centre
N patients included93 460742420651391869
% of all data covered during time period on public sector DAA initiations1001001008.1100
Programme approach to case-findingGeneral adult population, PLHIV, PWID, prisoners, patients from private sector tested positivePatients at internal medicine/liver wards, PLHIV at treatment centres, PWIDs, prisoners, haemodialysis patientsPatients at medical wards, PLHIV, PWIDs, men who have sex with men, female sex workers, multi-transfused recipients, HCW, haemodialysis patients, patients from private sector or blood donors tested positive and eligible for public sector careGeneral adult population (provider-initiated testing and counselling), PLHIV, PWIDPLHIV, PWID, HCW, patients at liver wards; 2019 campaign targeting general population in one province
Patient screening, diagnosis and treatment fee structureFree of chargeFree of charge if patients have national insurance. Non-insured patients pay for consumables and servicesFree of charge (PPP patients pay for VL and treatment at subsidised prices)Out of pocketOut of pocket or insurance co-pay (DCV free of charge)
Definition of cirrhosis during time period of data includedAPRI >2 and FIB-4 >3.25 in adults. Decompensated cirrhosis defined using clinical criteria (or clinician’s judgement) and the Child-Pugh staging system.APRI>1. Patients at the national hospital were staged using Fibroscan >11.7. Data on decompensated cirrhosis not available.Initially APRI of >2; changed to >1.5 in the National Simplified Treatment Guidelines for HCV published in 2019. Decompensated cirrhosis defined using clinical criteria (or clinician’s judgement) and the Child-Pugh staging system.APRI >2. Data on decompensated cirrhosis not available.APRI >2 or a Fibroscan >12.5 kPa; patients at provincial and district level facilities were staged using APRI while patients at the national hospital were staged using Fibroscan. Decompensated cirrhosis defined using clinical criteria (or clinician’s judgement) and the Child-Pugh staging system.
Definition of treatment completionPicking up the prescription for the final month of treatmentPicking up the prescription for the final month of treatmentComing for a visit post-treatment completionPicking up the prescription for the final month of treatmentPatients who did not return for SVR12 testing were called by health facility staff to confirm whether treatment was completed
  • *The programme was officially launched in June 2016, but a small number of patients initiated in the months prior.

  • .APRI, AST to platelet ratio index; DCV, daclatasvir; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HCW, healthcare worker; PLHIV, people living with HIV; PPP, public private partnership; PWID, people who inject drugs; SVR12, sustained virologic response at 12 weeks; VL, viral load.