Table 1

Study characteristics.

Characteristics(41 studies, 1918 patients)
Range of publication year1989–2021
Median (IQR) no of patients11 (5–29)
Geographical region
 North America19 (46)
 Europe14 (34)
 Central/South America0 (0)
 Asia4 (10)
 Other4 (10)
Study design
 Randomised trial1 (2)
 Cohort19 (46)
 Case-control2 (5)
 Case-series19 (46)
Case definition
 Probable STSS patients115 (6)
 Confirmed STSS patients227 (12)
Prognostic factor type
 Demographic29 (71)
 Medical history5 (12)
 Early disease11 (27)
 Treatment16 (39)
  • Values are numbers (percentages) of studies unless stated otherwise. Medical history included prognostic variable: immunocompromised. Early disease included prognostic variables: necrotising fasciitis, acute renal failure.

  • STSS, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome.