Table 1

Weighted distribution of the predictors in the 2019 WHO CVD risk models, overall and by sex

Sample size663280383
Age (mean and 95% CI, years)44 (43.2 to 44.7)44.2 (43 to 45.4)43.8 (42.9 to 44.7)
Proportion of people aged 30–39 years (95% CI, %)35.8 (31.6 to 40.3)37.2 (31 to 43.9)34.8 (29.4 to 40.7)
Proportion of people aged 40–49 years (95% CI, %)34 (29.8 to 38.4)29.5 (24 to 35.7)37.1 (31.5 to 43.1)
Proportion of people aged 50–59 years (95% CI, %)30.2 (26.3 to 34.5)33.3 (27.1 to 40)28 (23.5 to 33.1)
Systolic blood pressure (mean and 95% CI, mm Hg)108.9 (107.5 to 110.3)116.1 (113.8 to 118.4)103.8 (102.3 to 105.3)
Diastolic blood pressure (mean and 95% CI, mm Hg)71.9 (71 to 72.8)74.6 (73.1 to 76.1)70 (69 to 71)
Body mass index (mean and 95% CI, kg/m2)28.8 (28.3 to 29.2)28.3 (27.6 to 29)29.1 (28.5 to 29.7)
Proportion of people with normal weight (95% CI, %)23.1 (19.5 to 27.2)24.5 (19.5 to 30.4)22.1 (17.2 to 27.9)
Proportion of people with overweight (95% CI, %)41 (36.6 to 45.6)45.3 (38.9 to 52)37.9 (31.9 to 44.3)
Proportion of people with obesity (95% CI, %)35.9 (31.6 to 40.5)30.1 (24.1 to 36.9)40 (34 to 46.2)
Total cholesterol (mean and 95% CI, mmol/L)4.9 (4.8 to 5)4.8 (4.6 to 5)4.9 (4.8 to 5.1)
Proportion of smokers (95% CI, %)11.7 (8.8 to 15.3)21.1 (15.8 to 27.6)5 (3 to 8.3)
Proportion of people with diabetes (95% CI, %)7.1 (5 to 9.8)7.8 (4.7 to 12.6)6.5 (4.3 to 9.9)
Laboratory-based CVD risk score (mean and 95% CI, %)2 (1.8 to 2.2)2.6 (2.3 to 2.9)1.6 (1.4 to 1.7)
Non-laboratory-based CVD risk score (mean and 95% CI, %)2 (1.8 to 2.1)2.7 (2.4 to 3)1.5 (1.4 to 1.6)
  • CVD, cardiovascular disease.