Table 3

Comparison of maternal life circumstances, according to familial patterns of HIV infection

Overall (N=1015)Third generation (n=27)Second generation (n=264)No HIV exposure (n=724)P value
HIV-associated variables
Full ART adherence past 7 days213 (75.8%)19 (79.2%)194 (75.5%)0.69
Any clinic appointments missed past month10 (4.1%)1 (4.6%)9 (4.1%)0.92
Any stigma56 (20.3%)5 (20.8%)51 (20.2%)0.95
Physical and mental health
Excellent physical health past 12 months598 (58.6%)9 (33.3%)88 (33.3%)499 (68.9%)<0.001
Depression Score past 2 weeks (0–20)0.7 (1.4)0.3 (.7)1.0 (1.7)*0.6 (1.3)0.002
Anxiety Score past month (0–14)0.8 (1.9)0.7 (1.6)0.6 (1.9)0.8 (1.9)0.41
PTSD Score past month (0–36)3.0 (5.6)2.0 (4.9)3.6 (5.6)2.9 (4.9)0.09
Suicidality Score past month (0–5)0.2 (.8)0.1 (.3)0.3 (1.1)*0.1 (.7)0.017
Social and environmental factors
Parenting Stress Score (18–90)24.8 (5.8)24.7 (4.8)24.9 (5.6)24.8 (5.8)0.97
Social Support Score (0–14)13.4 (2.04)12.7 (2.5)13.2 (2.3)13.5 (1.9)0.019
Extent of Intimate Partner Violence Exposure (0–4)0.1 (.6)0.1 (.4)0.2 (.7)0.1 (.5)0.39
Extent of Community Violence Exposure (0–4)0.3 (.8)0.2 (.6)0.3 (.8)0.3 (.8)0.79
  • Group comparisons were conducted using χ2 tests for categorical variables and univariate analysis of variance for continuous variables. Tukey‘s range post hoc tests were undertaken to identify mean differences between groups for continuous variable.

  • Ns vary depending on missing values (N=950–1015; N=828 for Intimate Partner Violence—low response rates may be due to the sensitive topic).

  • *Statistically different from HIV unexposed group (p<0.05).

  • †Statistically different from the second generation (p<0.05).

  • ART, antiretroviral therapy.