Table 2

Infant (0–68 months) developmental outcomes, according to familial patterns of HIV infection

Overall(N=1015)Third generation (n=27)Second generation (n=264)No HIV exposure (n=724)P value
Mullen Scales of Child Development (M, SD)
Gross Motor Score†49.6 (12.7)52.4 (16.1)47.0 (13.1)*50.4 (12.3)0.002
Visual Reception Score42.1 (14.2)43.9 (14.7)40.7 (14.3)42.6 (14.2)0.14
Fine Motor Score43.6 (14.6)44.3 (16.1)41.4 (15.2)*44.4 (14.2)0.014
Receptive Language Score47.4 (13.6)47.7 (13.8)46.1 (15.0)47.8 (13.0)0.21
Expressive Language Score51.6 (13.5)51.7 (13.4)50.7 (14.8)51.9 (13.0)0.48
Composite Score93.2 (21.4)94.6 (23.4)90.6 (23.0)*94.1 (20.7)0.066
WHO Disability Score-Any Disability (N, %)242 (26.7)7 (26.9)69 (27.7)166 (26.2)0.90
Any Days Sick (past month) (N, %)218 (21.8)4 (17.4)41 (15.6)173 (24.2)0.013
  • Group comparisons were conducted using χ2 tests for categorical variables and univariate analyses of variance for continuous variables.

  • *Statistically different from HIV unexposed group (p<0.05)

  • †Gross motor score: n=831. Mullen subdomain scores range from 20 to 80, composite scores from 49 to 155. Tukey’s range post hoc tests were undertaken to identify mean differences between groups for continuous variable

  • ‡Statistically different from the second generation (p<0.05)