Table 1

Study population demographic information

COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab test positiveCOVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab test negativeFull AncestryDNA COVID-19 cohort
n=4726n=28 872n=563 141
No COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab test
 With influenza-like symptoms71 761
 Without influenza-like symptoms454 542
Nasopharyngeal swab test results pending3240
 Median, mean (SD)49, 49.49 (15.43)53, 52.68 (15.5)56, 53.90 (16.13)
 Bins (counts, fraction)
  18–30600 (0.13)2496 (0.09)52 580 (0.09)
  31–40941 (0.20)5001 (0.17)87 261 (0.15)
  41–50926 (0.20)5333 (0.18)90 473 (0.16)
  51–601057 (0.22)6009 (0.21)108 062 (0.19)
  61–70735 (0.16)5961 (0.21)128 200 (0.23)
  71–90467 (0.10)4072 (0.14)96 565 (0.17)
Genetic sex (counts, fraction)
 Female3013 (0.64)19 945 (0.69)380 349 (0.67)
 Male1706 (0.36)8867 (0.31)183 153 (0.32)
Genetic ancestry continental groupings
 Admixed African-European ancestry275 (0.06)1244 (0.04)17 019 (0.03)
 Admixed Amerindian ancestry520 (0.11)2336 (0.08)36 865 (0.07)
 European ancestry3026 (0.64)20 269 (0.70)424 328 (0.75)
 Other ancestry905 (0.19)5023 (0.17)84 929 (0.15)
Pre-existing health conditions (any)1911 (0.46)15 261 (0.55)255 788 (0.47)
 Median, mean (SD)28.59, 29.83 (7.04)28.67, 29.92 (7.05)28.29, 29.53 (6.87)
 Bins (counts, fraction)
  Underweight (BMI<18.5)<100 (0.03*)204 (0.01)4407 (0.01)
  Healthy (18.5≤BMI<25)971 (0.25*)6442 (0.24)139 565 (0.27)
  Overweight (25≤BMI<30)1225 (0.31*)8503 (0.32)172 941 (0.33)
  Obese (BMI≥30)1629 (0.42*)11 264 (0.43)203 325 (0.39)
Symptoms (tested positive)
 General, yes (counts, fraction)3862 (0.82)9237 (0.02)
Hospitalisation (counts, fraction)453 (0.10)1397 (0.00)
 Duration, days (median, mean (SD))5, 7.62 (9.08)3, 4.78 (7.22)
  • *Approximate % for privacy reasons; 100 counts used in place of <100.

  • BMI, body mass index.