Table 2

Characteristics of RCTs replacing white rice with brown rice on type 2 diabetes (T2D) risk factors

AuthorDesignParticipants (location, n, % female, age, health status)Duration (weeks)Intervention dietControl dietCooking methodAmount consumedDietary assessment for adherenceRoB-2*
Zhang et al 201126ParallelShanghai, China: n=202; %female=47; mean age ~50 year; MetS16Cooked BR packed for 225 g/day from Monday to Saturday
Cooked WR packed for 225 g/day from Monday to Saturday
Steamed under 0.3 MPa for ~75 min, with R:W ratios† of 1:1 for WR and 1:1.25 for BR (‡BR soaked for at least 1 hour before cooking)Ad libitum, and allowed to consume with other staple foods on Sundays3-day food recordLow risk
Wang et al 201327ParallelChinese American: n=57; %female=38; prediabetic12BR
Boiled in water for 30 minAd libitum based on usual intake3-day food recordSome concern
Kazemzadeh et al 201428Cross-overIran: n=40; %female=100; aged 18–50 year; healthy6150 g/day cooked BR
150 g/day cooked WR
Raw rice packaged and provided to participants to prepare at home150 g/day cooked rice3-day food recordSome concern
Bui et al 201435ParallelVietnam: n=60; %female=100; aged 45–65 year; IGT16540 g/day PGBR
540 g/day WR
Not specified540 g/day with normal activities of daily life without restriction24-hour diet recallHigh risk
Shimabukuro et al 201434Cross-overJapan: n=27; %female=0; age 41 year; MetS8150 g/day BR (n=14)150 g/day WR (n=13)Not specified150 g/day with regular dietary intake/exercise habitsSelf-recorded complianceSome concern
Geng et al 201632ParallelWuxi, China: n=191; %female=49.74; aged 40–70 year; dyslipidaemia12150 g/day cooked PGBR
(n=94; female=49)
150 g/day cooked WR
(n=97; female=47)
Processed and prepared by patent agent150 g/day without change in dietary habits and lifestyleSemi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQ) carried by trained staffSome concern
Araki et al 201729ParallelJapan: n=41; %female=53.7; aged 40–64 year; prediabetic12200 g cooked PABR twice a day
(n=20; female=10)
200 g cooked WR twice a day
(n=21; female=12)
Steamed under cooking mode for WR, with R:W ratios of 1:1 for WR and 1:2 for PABR400 g/day with additional ad libitum consumption of staple foods for one daily mealBrief self-administered Diet History Questionnaire (BDHQ) confirmed by dieticianSome concern
Malik et al 201930Cross-overChennai, India: n=166; %female=45; aged 25–65 year; overweight12Parboiled BR (strain: BPT5204)(n=85)Non-parboiled WR (strain: BPT5204)(n=81)Prepared by trained dietitians, and pressure cooked with R:W ratios of 1:2.5 for WR and 1:2 for BRTwo ad libitum meals/dayDirect observation and 24-hour diet recallSome concern
Kuroda et al 201933ParallelJapan: n=52; %female=51.9; aged ≥65 year; healthy104100 g/day UHHPBR (n=27)100 g/day WR (n=25)Supplied from the company100 g/day cooked riceA general questionnaire on lifestyle, and BDHQSome concern
Mai et al 202031ParallelVietnam: n=80; %female=80; aged 55–70 year; MetS13200 g/day PGBR (n=40; female=36)200 g/day WR (n=40; female=36)Packaged in a 2 kg capsule per day200 g/day for 10 days each time without changes in lifestyle and medicine takingSQFFQLow risk
Ren et al 202015ParallelChina: n=112; %female=44.6; aged 18–70 year; MetS4Cooked BR
Cooked polished rice
Washed and soaked in clear water with R:W ratio of 1:1.35 for 30 min. Then cooked in an electric cooker for 30 min and kept at temperature for 10 min100 g rice (50 g sample rice and 50 g polished rice), coupled with 30 g sauced beef, 150 g salad and 50 g eggsNot specifiedHigh risk
  • *RoB-2=risk of bias 2.0.

  • †R:W ratio=rice-to-water ratio (in weight).

  • ‡Conversion from uncooked rice to cooked rice by multiplying 2.5.

  • BR, brown rice; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; MetS, metabolic syndrome; n, number of participants; PABR, partially abraded brown rice; PGBR, pregerminated brown rice; RCTs, randomised controlled trials; UHHPBR, ultra high hydrostatic pressurising brown rice; WR, white rice.