Table 4

Post hoc per-protocol analysis: 6 months follow-up of intervention patients who attended 50% or more pulmonary rehabilitation sessions compared with usual care

Intervention n=13Usual care n=26
Mean (SD)Mean change (SD) (95% CI)Mean (SD)Mean change (SD) (95% CI)
SGRQ—Total*44.9 (24.3)−16.6 (14.5)
(−25.3 to 7.8)
40.8 (20.0)−8.1 (20.8)
(−16.5 to 0.3)
SGRQ—Impacts36.6 (22.7)−14.1 (16.8)
(−24.3 to -4.0)
30.1 (20.0)−7.5 (25.5)
(−17.7 to 2.9)
SGRQ—Activity53.3 (33.7)−22.9 (21.3)
(−35.8 to -10.1)
49.2 (24.8)−10.5 (23.3)
(−19.9 to -1.1)
SGRQ—Symptoms54.7 (24.8)−12.6 (20.1)
(−24.7 to -0.4)
57.7 (24.8)−6.0 (22.4)
(15.1 to 3.1)
MRC Dyspnoea Score2.6 (1.0)−1.0 (0.8)2.8 (0.9)−0.3 (0.8)
CAT†16.2 (7.1)−5.5 (4.8)17.7 (7.6)−2.7 (6.5)
PHQ-9 Depression Score‡4.8 (5.0)−0.9 (3.4)3.8 (3.0)−1.9 (3.2)
GAD-7 Anxiety Score‡2.8 (3.6)−0.8 (3.2)2.0 (2.1)−1.3 (2.6)
Stanford Self-Efficacy Score7.3 (1.7)1.6 (2.0)7.3 (1.2)0.7 (1.5)
ISWT§217.5 (85.7)17.5 (72.6)216 (99.4)−29.2 (74.1)
Self-reported number of exacerbations in the last 6 months2.9 (1.5)0.1 (1.5)3.2 (1.27)0.9 (1.7)
Total Physical Activity Scores, MET-minutes/week1078.5 (1498.5)72.92 (1816.8)1857.0 (2853.4)−1170.7 (2753.3)
  • *Minimal clinically important difference (MCID) 4 points.

  • †MCID −2 points.

  • ‡MCID 20% reduction.

  • §MCID 35–36 m

  • CAT, COPD Assessment Test; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; GAD-7, Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7; ISWT, incremental shuttle walk test; MET, metabolic equivalent of task; PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire-9; SGRQ, St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire.