Table 2

Newborn-related variables in the public hospitals of South Wollo, northeast Ethiopia, August 2021

VariableCategoryFrequency (n=594)Percentage (%)
Baby sexMale36060.61
Gestational age (weeks)Post-term (>42)152.53
Preterm (<37)508.42
Term (37–42)52989.06
Birth weight (kg)Low birth weight (<2.50)7512.63
Large birth weight (>4.00)498.25
Normal birth weight (2.50–4.00)47079.12
Mode of deliverySpontaneous vaginal delivery43673.40
Vacuum delivery7111.95
Forceps delivery366.06
Delivery by caesarean section518.59
Fetal presentation (n=588)Cephalic53991.70
Not cephalic498.30
Fetal positionVertex (occipital)49583.33
Not vertex9916.67
Shoulder dystociaYes528.75
  • The sum of percentages does not provide 100% because of rounding the decimals.