Table 1

Overview of recorded variables

Baseline informationTumour or cyst specific questionsTreatment characteristics
Patient characteristicsTumour/cyst characteristics*Solid lesionsCystic lesionsInterventionSurgeryInterventional radiology
AgeTotal number of lesions at baselineFocal nodular hyperplasiaSimple hepatic cystsDate of interventionType of approach (open, laparoscopic, robot)Type of procedure (aspiration sclerotherapy, TAE, RFA/MWA)
SexLocation of lesion (left hemiliver, right hemiliver, bilobar)HaemangiomaMucinous cystic neoplasmsDuration of hospital stayOccurrence and reason for conversionSclerotherapy (volume of aspiration, length of sclerosing, type of sclerosing agent)
If yes, reason
Type of lesionHepatocellular adenomaIntraductal papillary neoplasmsOperation or procedure timeType of procedure (fenestration, wedge resection, segmental resection, hemihepatectomy, transplantation)TAE (volume and type of embolisation agent(simple embolisation, chemo-embolisation or lipiodolisation))
Comorbidity (ASA score and Elixhauser comorbidity index)Diameter, date and modality of diagnosis30-day and 90-day mortalitySpecification of resected segments
Diameter, date and modality of follow-upAmount of blood loss
Occurrence of misdiagnosis
If so, revised diagnosis and diagnostic modality
Additional procedures (eg, argon beam coagulation, omental transposition, concurring cholecystectomy)
Histopathological diagnosis with immunohistochemistry if availableComplications (type, CD, CCI and SIR)
  • *According to RECIST V.1.1 criteria, lesions will only be measured on CT or MRI (longest diameter), measured on the transversal plane on post-contrast series. Maximum of two lesions. If the target lesion is not visible on follow-up imaging (index imaging is imaging shortest before inclusion), then the diameter of the next largest tumour will be measured.

  • ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; CCI, comprehensive complication index; CD, Clavien-Dindo; MWA, microwave ablation; RFA, radiofrequency ablation; SIR, society of interventional radiologists classification for adverse events; TAE, transarterial embolisation.