Table 3

Overview of the implementation evaluation outcomes

Implementation evaluation outcomes
Outcome measureData sourceMethodsData collection
Description of local context and HubSEIFA data, search of grey literature, informal contact with Hub service leaders.SEIFA data, search of grey literature, informal contact with Hub service leaders.Trial commencement.
Fidelity of Hub modelHub intervention log.A bespoke log completed by site project officers.Ongoing during the trial.
Acceptability of intervention measure (AIM), intervention appropriateness measure (IAM), and feasibility of intervention measure (FIM)63Research survey administered by project officer.AIM, IAM and FIM measures completed by Hub staff, service leaders, participants in the intervention group.Trial end (included in the 12-month postpartum parent survey for parents and separate staff survey).
Barriers and facilitators to running the FDCC HubsInterviews with Hub staff, service leaders, participants in the intervention group.Qualitative interviews and focus groups, guided by the CFIR.Pre-trial (with Hub staff and service leaders). Ongoing during and end of the trial for all participants.
The NoMAD tool64 to assess Hub staff buy in to the modelResearch survey administered by project officer.NoMAD tool completed by Hub staff.Trial end.
  • CFIR, consolidated framework for implementation research ; FDCC, First 2000 Days Care Connect; NoMAD, NOrmalization MeAsure Development; SEIFA, Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas.