Table 6

Standardised coefficients of the first and second pairs of typical variables

SDL abilityVariablesTypical variable 1Typical variable 2
DREEM (X)SPL (X1)−0.377−0.122
SPT (X2)0.0941.467
SASP (X3)−0.350−0.491
SPA (X4)−0.212−0.160
SSSP (X5)−0.240−0.443
SDL ability (Y)Self-management ability (Y1)−0.4701.287
Information capability (Y2)−0.299−0.004
Cooperative learning ability (Y3)−0.357−1.309
  • DREEM, Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure; SASP, students’ academic self-perceptions; SDL, self-directed learning; SPA, students’ perceptions of atmosphere; SPL, students’ perception of learning; SPT, students’ perception of teaching; SSSP, students’ social self-perceptions.