Table 2

Inpatient investigations

ParameterTroponin -positive group (n, %)Troponin-negative group (n, %)χ2 p-value
Troponin positive (n=124)Troponin negative (n=195)
Biochemical findings on admission
 WCC low8 (6.4)19 (9.7)**p=0.0003
 WCC normal4–1174 (60.0)147 (75.4)**p=0.0003
 WCC high42 (33.9)29 (14.9)**p=0.0003
 Lymphocytes low65 (52.4)107 (54.9)p=0.198
 Lymphocytes normal1–457 (46.0)88 (45.1)p=0.198
 Lymphocytes high2 (1.6)0 (0)p=0.198
 Creatinine normal48143***p<0.0001
 Creatinine raised7652
 LDH positive32 (34.5)58 (29.7)p=0.549 (Fisher’s exact)
 LDH not recorded92 (64.9)134 (68.7)
 D-dimer positive61 (49.2)84 (43.1)**p=0.0028
 No D-dimer on system56 (45.2)74 (37.9)
 CRP negative (<10)6 (4.8)7 (3.6)p=0.795
 CRP positive118 (95.1)188 (96.4)p=0.7952
 Transthoracic echo performed21 (16.9)33 (16.9)p=1.0
 LVEF below 50%4 (19.0)1 (3.0)p=0.0689 (Fisher’s Exact)
 Regional wall motion abnormalities8 (38.1)1 (3.0)**p=0.0013 (Fisher’s Exact)
 Pericardial effusion2 (9.5)7 (21.2)p=0.456 (Fisher’s Exact)
 Severe aortic stenosis0 (0)0 (0)p=1 (Fisher’s Exact)
 CTPA performed14 (11.3)38 (19.5)p=0.0756
 Pulmonary embolism detected4 (3.2)11 (5.6)p=0.470
  • Note that where a multiclass comparator was made p-values (eg, for gender) are the same for all groups. Similarly, for some comparisons such as age, where the input data was continuous but has been converted to ordinal, the distributions of individual values within a group have been compared using a Mann-Whitney U test, and again the p-values are the same for all groups.

  • CRP, serum C reactive protein level; CTPA, CT pulmonary angiogram; LDH, serum lactate dehydrogenase level; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NLR, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio; WCC, white cell count.