Table 2

Influences from patients’ experiences of primary care on PAM scores (multilevel model with a random intercept with patients nested within primary care practices)

B (SE)95 % CIP value
Age−0.24 (0.21)−0.66 to −0.170.224
Gender2.65 (2.87)−3.02 to 8.330.356
Did your primary physician ask you about your preferences in your treatment?−0.33 (3.13)−6.53 to 5.850.914
Have you agreed on treatment goals with your primary physician?−0.29 (3.04)−6.32 to 5.730.922
Do you feel as involved in decisions about your treatment as you would like to be?*−8.56 (3.36)−15.21 to −1.910.012*
Have you been offered participation in a patient training programme after your diagnosis?−1.15 (3.52)−8.12 to 5.820.744
Have you been offered the opportunity to participate in a support group after your diagnosis?0.52 (4.62)−8.63 to 9.680.910
Have you received a written (self-management) plan about what you can do to improve your health?6.51 (3.30)−0.02 to 13.060.051
Do you have a medication plan?*−12.01 (5.83)−23.55 to −0.480.041*
In your opinion is this medication plan up to date?6.75 (5.16)−3.46 to 16.970.194
Has your primary physician reviewed your medication with you in the last 12 months?−1.86 (3.33)−8.47 to 4.730.576
Has your primary physician explained to you how and when you should take the medication?7.65 (4.37)−0.99 to 16.310.083
Has your primary physician discussed with you how you cope with the burden of the chronic disease?2.26 (3.22)−4.11 to 8.640.484
  • *p< 0.05, significant domain.

  • PAM, patient activation measure.