Table 3

Elements of the interview guide and corresponding primary domain of the theoretical domains framework

NoKey question/follow-up questionsPrimary domain
1.1When did you first encounter the issue of delegation of medical tasks?
  1. What have you learnt about delegation since then?

  2. Is there anything you would like to know about delegation that you do not know so far?

1.2Can you tell me about your perspective on the delegation of medical tasks to non-physician medical staff in your practice?
2Current situation
2.1How is it decided in your practice who takes on which tasks?
  1. Can you tell me more about this?

  2. Can you tell me about the expectations you currently have when delegating to your staff?

3Potential of delegation
3.1Can you tell me about the potential of delegation of medical tasks to non-physician medical staff in your practice?
  1. Can you give me examples?

  2. What would have to happen to delegate these tasks?

  3. How would you describe your likelihood to delegate these tasks under these circumstances?

  4. How would you describe your expectation to your staff if you delegated these additional tasks?

  5. Can you imagine to transfer tasks to non-physician medical staff in the sense of substitution?

Beliefs about consequences
3.2Can you tell me what comes to mind about efficiency in primary care practice?
  1. How does the issue of delegation play a role in considerations of efficiency in your practice?

Memory, attention and decision process
3.3Can you tell me what comes to mind if I ask you about tasks that are solely the physicians’ responsibility?
  1. What defines these tasks that makes you think they must be performed by a physician?

Social/professional role and identity
4Expectations of delegation
4.1When you think of your patients, how do you think they would react to an increased delegation to non-physician medical staff?
  1. Can you give me examples?

  2. Can you imagine the opposite?

  3. Can you imagine why this might be the case?

Social influences
4.2When you think of your medical colleagues, how do you think they would react to an increased delegation to non-physician medical staff?
  1. Can you give me examples?

  2. Can you imagine the opposite?

  3. Can you imagine why this might be the case?

  4. Can you tell me how you would think about this if we were talking about substitution?

Social/professional role and identity
5Future development
5.1How do you think delegation of medical tasks will develop in the future?
5.2Can you think about anything else on this topic that is important to you?
6Summary/member checking
6.1If I have understood you correctly … (summary Interviewer)
  1. Delegation in general.

  2. Current situation.

  3. Expectations and potential.

  4. Colleagues/patients.