Table 3

Self-efficacy survey scores at onboarding (T1), course completion (T3) and 4-month follow-up (T4) for both study arms combined, enrolees present at follow-up only

Q1: Do you see patients in your setting who present with emergency conditions?
 Almost never000000
Q2: How comfortable do you feel taking care of patients with emergency conditions?
 Very uncomfortable690011<0.001
 Somewhat uncomfortable131871034
 Very comfortable233244622637
Q3: Do you feel like you have the resources that you need to deliver basic care to patients with emergency conditions?
 Almost never571157
Q4: How comfortable are you with your knowledge of emergency conditions?
 Very uncomfortable570023<0.001
 Somewhat uncomfortable19273446
 Very comfortable152144622839
Q5: How satisfied are you with your ability to do your work well?
 Somewhat unsatisfied572323
 Somewhat satisfied446232454665
 Very satisfied192737522231
Q6: Do you enjoy your work?
 Almost never000000
Q7: Do you feel like you are able to make a difference in your patients’ lives?
 Almost never000000