Table 2

Breakdown of serious myocarditis and pericarditis events reported via EudraVigilance and VAERS

Immunocompromised characteristicSerious eventsSerious eventsTotal
N%† (95% CI)Total reported in subgroupN%† (95% CI)Total reported in subgroupN%† (95% CI)Total reported in subgroup
Transplant2291.7 (73.0 to 99.0)24220.0 (2.5 to 55.6)102470.5 (52.5 to 84.9)34
Methotrexate-treated patients1178.6 (49.2 to 95.3)14555.6 (21.2 to 86.3)91669.6 (47.1 to 86.8)23
HIV21002342.9 (9.9 to 81.6)7555.5 (21.2 to 86.3)9
Cancer therapeutics3265.3 (50.4 to 78.3)491341.9 (24.5 to 60.9)314556.3 (44.7 to 67.3)80
  • Reports of myocarditis, pericarditis or myopericarditis were searched in the VAERS database following COVID-19 messenger RNA vaccines, either Moderna or Pfizer/BioNTech. The resultant reports were further assessed for individuals that were likely to be immunocompromised based on the following search terms (transplant, medicinal immunosuppressant drugs; tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, methotrexate, prednisolone, ciclosporin and steroids, HIV or approved cancer therapeutics). Serious events were determined as required hospitalisation, surgery or fatality as detailed in the comments box. Values indicate the events recorded and the percentage of the total events in each of the four characteristic categories with a 95% CI. Serious event defined as: event caused or prolonged hospitalisation, required surgery, was life-threatening or was fatal.

  • Numbers in bold font represent totals.

  • *Counts not mutually exclusive, multiple medications could be reported in the same case.

  • †Percentage of total reports within the EudraVigilance or VAERS database for that subgroup.

  • VAERS, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.