Table 3

Treatment time in young and old patients with ischaemic stroke treated with IV tPA

(n=48 141 (100%))
Young adults
(<50 years)
(n=5044 (10.5%))
Old adults
(≥50 years)
(n=43 097 (89.5%))
ASD (%)/H-L estimator*
Onset-to-needle time†, hour2.7 (2.0–3.5)2.7 (2.0–3.5)2.7 (2.0–3.5)
DNT‡, min60.0 (36.0–84.0)60.0 (42.0–90.0)60.0 (36.0–84.0)
Treatment time
 DNT ≤30 min8938 (18.6)850 (16.9)8088 (18.8)5.0
 DNT ≤45 min15 637 (32.5)1521 (30.2)14 116 (32.8)5.6
 DNT ≤60 min25 884 (53.8)2531 (50.2)23 353 (54.2)8.0
  • *H-L estimator; an absolute standardised difference (%) >10% indicates meaningful imbalance between two groups.

  • †Onset-to-needle time was missing for 3818 (7.9%) patients, with 431 (8.5%) in age <50 years and 3387 (7.9%) in age ≥50 years groups.

  • ‡DNT was missing for 3027 (6.3%) patients, with 342 (6.8%) in age <50 years and 2685 (6.2%) in age ≥50 years groups.

  • ASD, absolute standardised difference; DNT, door-to-needle time; H-L, Hodges-Lehmann; IV tPA, intravenous tissue plasminogen activator.