Table 1

Overview of the approach to measuring patient engagement

Integrity of design and process; flexibility; mentorship
PPEET questionnaireQuestionnaire outcomesAdministration time-point
Participant questionnaire: one-time engagement activities (module A—parts A and B)
  • Advisory group members represent diverse range of views.

  • Advisory group members are provided support that enable participation in engagement activities.

  • Online platforms suitable for communication with patient partners.

  • Clear and bidirectional communication achieved among patient partners and researchers.

  • Mentorship opportunities created and tailored to patient partners’ interests.

At the end of the activity on the same day
Participant questionnaire: ongoing engagement activities (module B—parts A and B)Between 3 and 6 months
Project questionnaire
(module A—parts A, B and C)
Pre-trial conduct (pre-recruitment of trial participants)
Influence and impact
Participant questionnaire: one-time engagement activities (module A—parts C and D)
  • Engagement activities inform planning and/or decision making in the trial.

  • Engagement activities improve patient partners’ knowledge of mental health and substance use crises in emergency departments.

  • Engagement activities improve patient partners’ knowledge of the patient and family centred acute mental healthcare bundle and need for implementation.

  • Increased confidence and trust of patient partners in members of the team.

  • Increased confidence of patient partners in the study purpose.

  • Increased confidence of patient partners in the impact of bundle implementation on mental health.

At the end of the activity on the same day
Participant questionnaire: ongoing engagement activities (module B—parts C and D)Between 3 and 6 months
Project questionnaire
(module B—parts A, B and C)
  • Clinicians, staff and researchers improve knowledge on patient partners’ perspectives about the bundle.

Post activity
Project questionnaire
(module C—parts A, B and C)
3–6 months after engagement has concluded
  • PPEET, Public and Patient Engagement Evaluation Tool.