Table 2

Potential candidate predictors organised in domains.

DomainsPotential predictors
  1. Age at implantation

  2. Gender

  3. Social economic status

  4. Highest education level

Tinnitus characteristics
  1. Pre-implantation tinnitus impact multi-item or single-item validated questionnaire

  2. Tinnitus duration at the time of the implantation

  3. Tinnitus localisation

  4. Tinnitus pitch-matched

  5. Tinnitus loudness-matched

  6. Tinnitus temporal pattern (constant or intermittent)

Hearing characteristics
  1. Pre-implantation speech perception scores in quiet

  2. Pre-implantation speech perception scores in noise

  3. Pre-implantation hearing level in the future implanted ear (including means and per frequencies ranging from 125 Hz to 20 kHz)

  4. Pre-implantation hearing level in the contralateral ear (including means and per frequencies ranging from 125 Hz to 20 kHz)

  5. Pre-implantation subjective hearing disability measure (total score) assessed by a multi-item or single-item validated questionnaire, holding outcomes on one or multiple domains covering body function, activity limitations and participation restrictions, environmental factors and personal factors48 49

  6. Pre-implantation electrophysiological outcomes (ABR or ECochG)

  1. Cochlear anatomy limiting cochlear implant performance based on imaging (eg, cochlear ossification, cochlear dysplasia)

  1. Hyperacusis presence

  2. Depression symptoms assessed by a multi-item or single-item validated questionnaire

  3. Anxiety symptoms assessed by a multi-item or single-item validated questionnaire

  4. Stress symptoms assessed by a multi-item or single-item validated questionnaire

  5. Personality assessed by a multi-item or single-item validated questionnaire

  6. Coping strategies assessed by a multi-item or single-item validated questionnaire

  7. Measure of general health assessed by a multi-item or single-item validated questionnaire

  8. Measure of quality of life assessed by a multi-item or single-item validated questionnaire

  9. Measure of sleep quality assessed by a rating

  10. Cardiovascular disease presence diagnosed by a clinician

  11. Metabolic disease presence diagnosed by a clinician

  12. Neurological disease presence diagnosed by a clinician

  1. Hearing aid use in the future implanted ear

  2. Hearing aid use in the contralateral ear