Table 1

List of outcome and explanatory variables for both Nairobi Cross-sectional Survey (NCSS) 2012 and Bangladesh Urban Health Survey (UHS) 2013

NCSS 2012UHS 2013
Health outcomesDiarrhoea, fever, coughFever, cough, acute respiratory infection (ARI)
Under-five demographicsAge, sexAge, sex
Head of household characteristicsAge, sex, education, ethnic groupAge, sex, education, marital status
Child’s mother characteristicsAgeAge, marital status, ever attended school, highest education, employment
Social structural characteristicsWealth index, length of stay, religion, income generating activity, tenure, disability, food availability, health insurance and health catastrophic costsWealth index, dwelling ownership, land ownership, garbage disposal, cooking fuel, having kitchen, migration status, housing type and division