Table 1

Search strategy (PubMed)

#1pressure ulcer [mh] OR pressure ulcer* [tw] OR pressure injur* [tw] OR pressure sore* [tw] OR bedsore* [tw] OR decubitus ulcer* [tw]
#2nursing homes [mh] OR long-term care [mh] OR residential facilities [mh] OR skilled nursing facilities [mh] OR homes for the aged [mh] OR nursing home* [tw] OR long-term care home* [tw] OR residential facilit* [tw] OR skilled nursing facilit* [tw] OR residential aged care setting* [tw] OR care facilit* [tw] OR care home* [tw]
#3quality improvement [mh] OR prevent* [tw] OR reduce [tw] OR reducing [tw] OR reduction [tw] OR improv* [tw] OR educat* [tw] OR improving the quality [tw] OR quality improvement [tw] OR manage* [tw] OR program* [tw] OR guideline* [tw] OR implement* [tw] OR intervention* [tw]
#4#1 AND #2 AND #3